A life long friend

Created by Roger 2 months ago

Our friendship with Chris and Dianne extends over some 58 years, a good many of those as neighbours and jointly employees of F W Woolworth.  Chris and I shared many years working for Woolies and a year or so together in the Edgware Road store in London.  Friday night was "Boy's night out" and we had some great times locally, in the West End and in Soho as well.  It was tragic when the new owners of Woolies destroyed the Company, impacting so many lives, however most of us kept in contact although more widespread.

Freda and I enjoyed our holidays with Chris and Diane, in Wales. then the South of France, with all the children and then in Spain when the children had grown up.  We did all sorts of things together, from building sheds, to erecting fences, rewiring parts of our homes and great bonfire nights with fireworks and fun!

Our meals out were alway good fun and inevitably a bottle of Mateus Rose, or some other wine in copious quantities, slowly we graduated to Red Wine and thoroughly enjoyed it.  We always said, Life was too short" and now we realise just how short it is!
